Alternate picking and legato licks and runs
Loosen up your playing with these powerful and extremely convincing licks. Everything is explained in detail right there on the screen. No need to spell your way through complex tablatures. The video is packed with licks that mix alternate picking and legato technique. Mixing the two techniques allows you to achieve a fluent and relaxed playing style and you'll develop more variety in the sounds you produce.

70 minutes of effortlessness
In this video, I'll show you a lot of ways to break the consistency of alternate picking. I'm going to show you my favorite alternate picking slash legato licks. And the reason why they are my favorites is, they are comfortable to play once you've learned them. There are so many licks and sequences that never really become easy to play, but these ones do.

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Running time: 1:05
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Reap the rewards of crossing the bridge
There are several advantages to loosening up your alternate picking style with legato elements.

1. Alternate picking is challenging technique to learn. Especially if you're somewhat new to it and the  legato parts of these licks allows you to take a break from the constant picking up and down motion.

2. Because these licks are much easier to play than pure alternate picking licks, they cause you to use alternate picking more often and this actually makes you better at alternate picking. And when you have a quick alternative to your alternate picking licks, you take more chances and use more of your alternate picking skills.

3. These licks sound great, because of the mix between the noisy pick strokes and the soft fluid legato notes. This contrast between these two very different sounding techniques creates an interesting blend.

4. They create a bridge between the two techniques so learning them will also give you the ability to effortlessly shift between alternate picking and legato, because the licks themselves are the bridge. This gives you more freedom and a more fluid playing style.

[Gephysrophobia: An abnormal and persistent fear of crossing bridges]

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Running time: 1:10
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