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How to develop your own unique sound

Posted by The Wizard Of Shred on Tuesday, February 1, 2011, In : Zen Shredding 
How to develop your own unique sound

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Why do you want your own sound?

Now why is such a technical aspect part of "Zen shredding?" Because there's a hidden agenda behind the need to create your own unique sound or tone. Why does it have to be unique? Why would anyone want to sound differently from others? And why is it that we're often repelled by copy cats and people who sound like someone else? It's because being unique, special or significant is part of a basic human str...

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How To Create The Malmsteen Sound

Posted by Pure Speed on Saturday, May 23, 2009, In : Instant Fretboard Vision 

How to create the Malmsteen sound

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Change one note and everything changes

The last tool you need to be able to improvise over any rock, pop or metal chord progression, is the Harmonic minor scale. This scale is our old friend the Minor / Major scale with a slight change and a new name. You take your natural A-Minor scale but change the 7th step and push it up one fret. Here's our well known A-Minor / C-Major pattern:

Now let's push the 7th step up one fret (The G not...

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