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Showing Tag: "solo" (Show all posts)

Performing & The Law of Time

Posted by The Wizard on Monday, August 30, 2010, In : Zen Shredding 
Performing and the law of time

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The play-stop-evaluate-correct pattern

How many hours have you spend practicing? Now compare that with how many hours you've been playing with your band members. Chances are that, if you're aspiring to become the ultimate guitar god of this century (Or something a little less extreme) you've probably been practicing a lot more than you've been playing actual music with your mates.

And this is great! The more you practice the better you ...

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Entering The Zone & The Law of No Effort

Posted by The Wizard on Wednesday, August 25, 2010, In : Zen Shredding 
Entering the zone & the law of no effort

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Unhooking your left brain

When I got serious about becoming a guitarist, I used to dream about performing on stage. I would imagine myself playing a solo, with one foot on the monitor and a big smile on my face. Just playing the notes effortlessly and enjoying the ride.

But it took a while for me to get to that place where I could play without a thought in my head. Because that's what it takes to get in "the zone". If ...

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Breaking Free From The Tyranny Of Time

Posted by Pure Speed on Monday, July 20, 2009, In : The Malmsteen Study 

Breaking free from the tyranny of time

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A simple but radical idea

This article contains one very important distinction when it comes to soloing. It’s applicable to any style of music and any instrument really. When I figured this one out, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard about it anywhere. At the time, I had read my way through a lot of material on music theory and improvising, but nowhere had I come across this simple idea. I promise you this: If you will, no...

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How To Create The Solo Of Your Dreams

Posted by Pure Speed on Thursday, July 9, 2009, In : The Malmsteen Study 

How to create the solo of your dreams

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Improvised or prepared?

What's best: A totally improvised solo or one that is carefully prepared and structured in advance? I used to not like the improvised solos very much. "Go home and come up with something worth listening to" I thought to myself whenever I heard Jazz players dive into mass quantities of, what seemed like, random notes. But at the same time I was convinced that you should be able to improvise your way thor...

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How To Never Run Out Of Licks Again

Posted by Pure Speed on Wednesday, July 8, 2009, In : The Malmsteen Study 

How to never run out of licks again

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A key lesson

This article contains one very important lesson that we can draw from the playing of Yngwie Malmsteen. It represents an important key to building effective solos while having immense fun. When you apply it consciously to your own playing, you will experience a greater sense of freedom and playfulness than perhaps ever before.

How to get beyond repetitive playing

Why is it that Malmsteen's solos seem so alive? Wh...

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